

Editorial Design/Illustration

Book design and illustration for Web Design: The Evolution of the Digital World 1990–Today by Rob Ford, edited by Julius Widermann and published by Taschen.

The book focusses on the websites that defined each year, and profiles the designers and developers responsible. The book also explores the technological shifts and developments that brought in the each wave of innovation.

To contextualise the work within the period it was released, we illustrated the most iconic computers and devices of each year and placed the work within the screens. The small screen sizes and 4:3 ratios defined the format of the work in the early years, and led to full-bleed responsive work in more recent times.

The book is 640 pages, and features 360 original illustrations.

As Lars Bastholm says in his foreword for the book: “This book is as close to an ‘official’ history as we’re ever likely to get.”